Allow me to share my journey and how natural progesterone has transformed my life! At 47, 22 years ago, I began to experience those sudden “power surges”—the hot flashes and mood swings. I had always maintained that I would never resort to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), as it carries potential risks. Having suffered from cysts on my ovaries and breasts due to excess estrogen and insufficient iodine, I was certain HRT wasn’t for me! Each year, I faced procedures to aspirate the cysts in my breasts, and I was prescribed the dreadful drug Provera for the ovarian cysts, which only exacerbated my discomfort. Amazingly, since incorporating progesterone cream into my routine, my cysts have become a thing of the past. The root of the problem was indeed too much estrogen. If only I had known about progesterone all those years ago—and if only the medical community had recommended it—my years of suffering from cysts could have been avoided! A note on iodine: it also plays a role in supporting thyroid function, alongside selenium and tyrosine!
At 47 I started with the typical Peri-Menopause symptoms - heavy bleeding and major clotting, but no pain thank goodness. After battling for some time, I agreed to have the ablation. Whilst it was successful for me, had I known about progesterone therapy then, I would most definitely have chosen that route. Ablations, if not performed correctly, can cause terrible issues. It always amazes me why progesterone was never mentioned, after all it is one of the oldest hormones. But I now know why it was never mentioned or suggested. Natural progesterone, the same progesterone that our body produces isn't a drug, no money in prescribing natural products, sadly.
Prior to using progesterone, I turned to homeopathic remedies that provided temporary relief from my symptoms. Then, a friend recommended I read Dr. Christiane Northrup’s THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE. This book ultimately guided me to Natpro – natural progesterone.
I found a deep connection with Christiane Northrup, as she had faced a challenging period in her life that mirrored my own experiences at the time. In her book, when asked about which hormone replacement to choose, she advised, "select whatever resonates with you from my book; if it feels right, give it a try." For me, it was natural progesterone that stood out.
I continued my research on the subject and ultimately decided to give a progesterone cream a try, which I found at my local health shop/pharmacy. I used this cream for about a year, feeling optimistic that I had discovered the solution. However, the cream proved to be quite unpleasant, as its thick and sticky consistency made it hard to absorb into my skin effectively. As my hot flushes began to resurface, it became clear that I needed to delve deeper into my research. I later discovered that the thicker the progesterone cream, the more challenging it is for the body to absorb it into the bloodstream. I experimented with numerous creams but never felt completely satisfied with any of them.
I eventually discovered Wray Whyte’s website dedicated to progesterone. Remarkably, Wray developed Natpro, a natural progesterone cream about 35 years ago. I noticed an incredible difference after using this cream, and I’ve been a loyal user ever since. To my surprise, I found out we lived in the same area! Isn’t that amazing? I enjoy sharing the story of our meeting!
I have been using Natpro daily for approximately 19 years, without interruption, applying it twice a day. It has TRANSFORMED my life in every way imaginable. My moods have stabilized, my sleep issues have significantly improved, and I've eliminated hot flashes. Additionally, my libido has seen a boost. Tyrosine also contributes positively to libido. Whenever I feel a bit ‘down’ or stressed, I simply apply a little extra progesterone cream. Stress depletes progesterone along with many other crucial nutrients that our bodies require, so it's essential to increase usage during those challenging times. There have been instances when I needed to go through a tube of Natpro in just a week—it's remarkable how stress can impact us. Thankfully, I have managed to regain control and now maintain a daily dosage of between 150-200mg.
The list of what Natpro - natural progesterone can accomplish keeps expanding; I like to refer to it as my all-in-one 'medicine cabinet.' I always have Natpro with me in my handbag, and it has proven its value time and again.
Several years ago, Oprah explored the advantages of natural progesterone cream on one of her TV shows, expressing her strong belief in its benefits. What caught my attention was her interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup, the author of THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE! It's worth noting that during this interview, the term "bio-identical hormone" was frequently used and continues to be popular today. However, "bio-identical" is simply an elaborate term that many have embraced; it essentially refers to plain and straightforward progesterone—nothing more, nothing less—just progesterone.
A few years back, a school friend of my son took his own life. When I shared this story with Wray Whyte, she expressed her sorrow and remarked, “If only people were more informed about the benefits of progesterone and Vitamin D3.”
This website was created with encouragement from Wray Whyte to share my personal journey with progesterone and its ongoing benefits for myself and countless others. If you need any further information about this incredible product, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Hearing the success stories truly motivates me to persist in what has become the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.
While progesterone and Vitamin D3 provided significant support, they didn’t completely alleviate those days when I felt a touch of sadness. There always seemed to be something lacking. Don’t misunderstand me; without these supplements, my life would have been chaotic and incredibly painful. The real game-changer for me was Magnesium! I’ve always included magnesium in my routine, but never in the necessary amounts. As a crucial co-factor to Vitamin D3, magnesium transformed my experience. PROGESTERONE, VITAMIN D3, and MAGNESIUM are essential; they complement each other and are interdependent. If it worked for me, it can work for you too.
For many years, I have been using iodine drops—not due to any thyroid problems, but to proactively prevent them, and I’m truly grateful for the benefits this has brought me. Most people are iodine deficient. I typically take 4 to 5 drops of Lugol's Iodine (5%) each day. If someone is experiencing thyroid issues, then higher doses may be necessary under the supervision of thyroid specialists. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, Iodine plays a role in preventing cysts in both the ovaries and breasts.
I developed my website by leveraging Wray's expertise and my own experiences with progesterone, which has benefited countless others. With Wray's permission, I utilized the information from her site, and she has been instrumental in guiding me through the setup process. Her encouragement has been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for her support in not allowing me to give up. We mutually refer many individuals to each other's websites, using our platforms to assist those in need. I chose to rely on Wray’s website because it is the sole resource for accurate information regarding progesterone and its proper application. When not used correctly, it simply won't be effective. There's an overwhelming amount of misleading information circulating online today, often coming from misinformed sources. Facebook is particularly notorious for this issue, and I find myself dismayed by the erroneous claims made by so-called “Progesterone Queens.” This misinformation only serves to confuse people, leading to the improper use of progesterone. Therefore, I urge you to be discerning when seeking information. I prefer to use PubMed and Elicit over Google for this purpose.
In March 2013, Natpro/Wray reached out to me with an invitation to assist them in enhancing their Customer Service. I eagerly embraced this opportunity, as I have a genuine passion for helping others and resolving inquiries. So, whenever you see a little 'bubble' appear at the bottom right of your screen on any of Natpro's order pages that says, "Hi there, how can I help you?" that's me! I tend to stay offline most of the time to focus on my work without distractions from incoming queries and questions. When I'm offline, feel free to leave a message, and I'll respond to you via email.
Thank you, Wray, for entering my life all those years ago and for your unwavering support throughout the years. You transformed my life in ways I can’t express, and I will forever cherish the wonderful moments we've shared. I think of you every day. Today, I’m wearing your perfume—it brings me closer to you. My heartfelt gratitude to you! Soar high with the angels; I look forward to seeing you again one day on the other side. Rest in peace, my beloved friend. Love and light always. 1948 - 2017.
Disclaimer: Although this web site is not intended to be prescriptive, it is intended, and hoped, that it will induce in you a sufficient level of scepticism about some health care practices to impel you to seek out medical advice that is not captive to purely commercial interests, or blinded by academic and institutional hubris. You are encouraged to refer any health problem to a health care practitioner and, in reference to any information contained in this web site, preferably one with specific knowledge of progesterone therapy.
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